Virginia - Army National Guard
Charlottesville, VA, USA
The environment we live in has a huge impact on our health. Think about it. Is the air we breathe clean? Is the water contaminated? How will temperature and moisture levels affect the growth of toxic molds? It is for these reasons, along with myriad others, that the Army National Guard needs Environmental Scientists to join our team of Medical Corps Officers. As an Environmental Scientist and an Officer on the U.S. Army Health Care Team, your knowledge of biology, environmental health, and industrial hygiene will help prevent illness and injury. Now is your chance to ensure the health and vitality of the men and women who stand ready to respond when something threatens the community, the State, or the Nation. But you won't stand apart from these heroes. You will stand among them as a commissioned Medical Corps Officer in the Army National Guard. In so doing, you will increase your knowledge and learn the latest techniques in our collaborative environment. When you practice in...