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SGT Seunghyun Park More than any other branch, the Army National Guard offers the most intelligence-related positions. Who are these men and women known as Intelligence Soldiers? Let’s find out. In the following two-part series, Mission:Possible, we talk to two of them and uncover what it’s really like to be the Guard’s biggest asset. Soldiers often cite ‘traveling the world’ as reason for joining the Army National Guard , but as...
Wisconsin Army National Guard members of the West Bend-based Detachment 1, Company G, 2nd Battalion, 104th Aviation Regiment at a base in the Operation Spartan Shield area of operations. Wisconsin troops have been assigned to locations in Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and Syria for a medevac mission in the U.S. Central Command theater of operations. (Courtesy photo.) UNDISCLOSED LOCATION – The Officer in charge of about 35 Wisconsin Army...